Thursday, March 1, 2012

Random thoughts for today.

Love how God works, love that God brings people and events and words of encouragement into your life at just the right time. Love freinds near and far that God uses. I want to be more intentional about God using me, for awesome circumstances. Love that when you pay attention to all that God is doing instead of focusing on this world, you get to see amazing things!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

FOMO and other random thoughts

I need to start blogging again.I guess I don't blog often because I am terrible at writing. It's not my gifting, thankful for the gifts God has given me but writing is not one of them, (sharing my feelings on the other hand I have no problem with). I read others blogs and then decide that I should not write because my blog is not as eloquently written as many others, I spell words wrong and use wrong punctuation. My thoughts are so random in my head and thats how they come out on here, I have so many of them my mind. my mind never really stops racing. So along with my punctuation and grammer mistakes my thoughts are all over the place. So if you can follow me that's great. Almost every great photographer I have seen on line has a blog they post pictures and then write about it. I will get there someday. :)

I recently read someones blog, (someone I know from my past) and she talked about the "FOMO" ( fear of missing out) I think this should be my middle name! This really hit home with me. I blame it on the fact that we live in a small town and I blame it on facebook and blogs. Really I have always had an issue with this but I think the small town and facebook make it worse! As if we don't beat ourselves up enough over not being the perfect mom, the perfect wife. the perfect everything it seems to get slammed in your face when you get online and start reading, what you are missing out on and how everyone else seems to be doing fun stuff that your not invited too. Or those status updates and blogs talking about what great ideas people have. I am not super creative with fun things to do for my kiddos. I don't claim to be a great stay at home mom. But I am trying my hardest.Don't get me wrong I am thankful for all my crafty freinds and of couse thankful people have great planned activities and all that. Of course they are not trying to make others feel bad about what they post.

I have never like to miss out on anything, who does? There has definately been times while I lived here that I was the party planner and always trying to do Everything, and I definately loved that becasue if I was planning I was not missing out!

So with all that said of course it goes back to, as I blogged about before focusing up! All that we really need is Jesus. We don't have to be the best mom, wife, freind (although we should try to be great). But instead focus on Jesus! Life is to overwhelming and to out of whack with out him!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Manic Mondays

I used to dread Mondays when I taught. Why are mondays so hard, now usually I look at it, as the start to a new week! Starting fresh................but for some reason even though I don't go to work on Monday's, They still are hard sometimes. Thankful for the sunshine on this Monday.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Olivia is 4 years old

Today we celebrated 4 years of life with Olivia! We love this girl, her strong personality, strong will and all, could not imagine life without her! She is such a great big sister to Elijah! Love the questions that come out of her head, where does she think of these watching her create things and learn.